Monday, May 05, 2008

New Snake Delro Store

The website is Here

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yankees Spring Training Video

Yankees Spring Training Video (New York Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays at Legends Field)

Here is a little summary of what happened.

Many people left at the 7th inning stretch. The game was boring until the 8th inning. The Yankees scored two runs in the bottom of the 8th inning. In the top of the 9th inning the Rays scored only one run. That ended the game. We watched the fireworks.

May the creamy blueberry filling be with you.
Sonny, the annoying cousin of Snake Delro


Sunday, March 02, 2008

New video in the making

Me and sonny completed a brand new video entitled "The FAKE NEWS" that we will put on YouTube once we finish editing it

Give you details as the story develops.

With all due respect,
Snake Delro

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

To Whom It May Concern,

I'm gonna be posting from Snake's account from this point forward.

May the creamy blueberry filling be with you.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sonny's Second Story Starts The Second Of September (Sort Of)

You got that one right title dudes, my second story is in
in the works and what shall I call this Pinnacle of piedom,
what else but Sonny's One Shot: The First Cow Pie.
See ya later.

P.S.; I'm not going to really realease it on September 2nd.

P.P.S.; I'm sorry for the illiteration but i couldn't help myself.

P.P.P.S.; Pies rule! with the intensity of one million suns.

P.P.P.P.S.; May the creamy blueberry filling be with you.


Friday, July 06, 2007

The Wish Hunter Chronicles Chapter One


Jack is my name, i am a wish hunter, my goal
is to destroy the darkness that's stealing the
stars from the wish hunters and avenge my
fathers death, and if I jack wish die trying,
I will have died for a purpose and i will
be with my father once again...



It's been days since i've eaten or drank anything
and the desert is getting hotter every second "I
have to do something" I thought, and just then
I saw a huge worm larger than ten mansions,
it had twelve rows of giant teeth placed around the
worm's circular mouth which seemed to suck up
everything in its path. I unsheathed my sword
and struck the vile beast with my blade and
to my surprise the creature was not dead.
How would i deafeat it i did not know and if
i die, i will have died for a purpose and that is
my goal.

