Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What If........Kazuma Fought William

The fight would probably be like this.
"You put up A good fight but resistence is futile"
Says kazuma in A very confedent voice
"So do you kazuma" said william.
and two beams of light apeared,
a yellow beam from kazuma's fingertip
and a red beam from william's eyes.
The beams fought and fought until the
two fighters could not fight anymore,
william and kazuma both fell to the ground.



The Lementing Chronicles Chapter 2

The boy stared at the man for felt like hours until the man broke
the silence "Young man you should come with me" said the man
the boy decided to follow. The boy and the odd man walked through
the forest trail until they reached A farm, by then it was obvious to
the boy that the man was A farmer. Once they were there the odd man
said "As you can see I'm A farmer with very little money so could you
help me on the farm in exchange for you living here" "Fine" said the boy,
thus ending his free spirited life as a castaway.

Note From The Author,
I Apologize For The Lack Of Updates.
